Atlantis Marmaris Water Park Contact Info
Atlantis Marmaris Water Park Contact Info. Uzunyalı 203 Sok. 48700 Siteler Marmaris MUGLA TURKEY
Tel: + 90 252 413 0308
Tel: +90 252 411 0461
Tel: +90 252 411 0462
GSM: +90 530 568 5485 ( You can call or message between 08:00 and 24:00 )
Faks: + 90 252 413 0309
E-mail: info@marmariswaterpark.com

Free Shuttle Service Contact Information
Tel: +90 252 413 0308
GSM: +90 530 568 5485 ( You can call or message between 08:00 and 24:00 )
E-mail: shuttle@marmariswaterpark.com
You can reach us via Telephone / SMS / WhatsApp / Viber from our phone line +90 530 568 5485 or you can send an e-mail to info@marmariswaterpark.com.